Most of the desktop Linux users stay in 3 categories: Debian/Ubuntu, Fedora, Arch Linux. But today, I’ll give you 5 reasons why you should use openSUSE.
I’ve always found openSUSE to be a bit different kind of a Linux distro. I don’t know, but it’s just so shiny and charismatic. The green chameleon looks awesome. But that’s not the reason why openSUSE is the best or better than other Linux distributions.
Don’t misunderstand me. I run so many different distros for different purposes and appreciate the work people behind these distros are doing to make computing a joy. But openSUSE always felt, well, sacred. You feel me?
5 reasons why openSUSE is better than other Linux distributions
Did I just say that openSUSE is the best Linux distribution? No, I didn’t. There is no one best Linux distribution. It is really up to your needs what you find as your ‘soulmate’.
But here, I am going to list 5 things that I have found that openSUSE does better than other Linux distros. Let’s see them.
#1 Community rules
openSUSE is a great symbol of community driven projects. I have seen a lot of users complain about changes made by the developers in their favorite distro after an update. But not openSUSE. openSUSE is truly community driven and gives its users what they want. Everytime.
#2 Rock solid OS
Another thing is OS integrity. I can install almost all of the best Linux desktop environments on the same openSUSE installation which is not possible even on Ubuntu without compromising the stability of the system. This clearly shows how robust the system is. Therefore, openSUSE should appeal to the users who’ll be tinkering a lot under the hood.
#3 Easy to install software
We do have lots of awesome package managers in Linux world. From Debian apt-get to the DNF of Fedora, all do appeal to the users and sometimes play a great role in attracting users to a particular distro.
openSUSE has again brought a great software delivery method to the table. is a web-portal that you can use to install software from the repository. All you need to do is to go to the link (on your openSUSE OS of course), use the search box to find your desired software. Click “Direct Install”. Done. That’s all.
Sounds like using Google PlayStore, ain’t it?
#4 YaST
YaST is literally the best control center ANY OS in the world has ever had. No arguments there. You can control everything. Networking, Software Update, all the basic settings. Everything. YaST gives you absolute power over your openSUSE installation, be it the enterprise edition or the personal installation. Convenient and everything at one place.
#5 Excellent out of the box experience
SUSE team is one of the biggest contributors to the Linux kernel. This diligent effort also means that they have excellent support for various hardware.
With such good hardware support, comes great out-of-the-box experience.
#6 They make great parody videos
Wait! There were five reasons that made openSUSE awesome, right?
But I am forced to write it as Abhishek wants to me add that openSUSE is the best because they make great Linux parody videos :)
Just kidding but do check out the super awesome Uptime Funk and you would know why SUSE is the coolest Linux.
Leap or Tumbleweed? Which openSUSE should I use?
Now if I have convinced you to use openSUSE, let me tell you about the choices you have when it comes to openSUSE. It comes in two variants: Leap and Tumbleweed.

Now although both offer a similar experience and a similar environment, There is a decision You must make before choosing which one of these two to imprint on Your hard disk.
openSUSE : Leap
openSUSE Leap is for most people. It has a release cycle of 8 months which is followed orthodoxly. Currently, we have openSUSE 42.1. It contains all the stable packages and provides the smoothest experience of the two.
It is highly suitable for Home, Office and for Business computers. It is for people who need a good OS but won’t/can’t keep pampering the OS and need it to move aside and let them work. Once setup, you need not worry about anything and focus on your productivity. I also highly recommend Leap for use in libraries and schools.
openSUSE: Tumbleweed
The Tumbleweed version of openSUSE is a rolling release. It very regularly gets updates and always contains the newest set of software running on it. It is recommended for developers, advanced users who want the newest of everything on their system and anybody who wants to contribute to openSUSE.
Let me clarify one thing, though. Tumbleweed is in no way a beta/testing release to the Leap. It is the most bleeding edge stable Linux distro available.
Tumbleweed gives you the fastest updates, but only after the developers assure for the packages’ stability.
Your say?
Let us know in the comments below what you think of openSUSE? And if you already thinking of using openSUSE, which of the two version would you prefer: Leap or Tumbleweed? Cheers :)