[Quick Review] Uruk: A New Distribution Based on Trisquel GNU/Linux

Here’s a new distro which is not another Debian or Arch derivative. Uruk GNU/Linux is an operating system which is built with its foundation on the Trisquel GNU/Linux core and features only complete FOSS.

It is co-started by Iraqi Linux enthusiast, Ali Miracle. Ali is a blind computer programmer and a hardcore FOSS supporter. He has contributed to a number of open source projects including Trisquel GNU/Linux. Hyder of Masalla Icon theme is the other developer of Uruk Linux.

Uruk (pronounced oorook) GNU/Linux is part of Uruk Project and it has been started with one main aim in mind, simplicity.

Uruk GNU/Linux

Not being based on any major parent distro gives Uruk a choice. A choice for freedom. And I must say, the developers have done a great job utilizing that freedom.

Package Managers Simulator

A major thing to notice in Uruk is it’s package management system. We can use any package management system. I’m dead serious. DNF, zypper, apt-get all can be used to install and remove packages. You can imagine the degree of flexibility that Uruk GNU/Linux will give its users.

Now I hear what You’re saying. What about conflicts caused by using multiple package managers?

Uruk GNU/Linux, in fact, simulates these package managers and has a central manager which actually translates popular package manager commands. These people know what they are doing.

Uruk GNU/Linux also has Synaptic package manager if that’s the road you choose to go down.

Synaptic on Uruk GNU/Linux

What it’s got out of the box.

Uruk GNU/Linux comes with the Mate desktop environment and a good list of preinstalled software. All though it’s the first stable release, I got a pretty consistent performance out of it. It’s light, fast and simply smart.

Uruk GNU/Linux pre installed apps

Since the Uruk GNU/Linux developers are based in Iraq and I felt that it had little Arabic-language content in the calendar, even in the English version.


Uruk’s developers are targeting home and small business users. I’d like to specifically suggest it to my Arabic speaking friends as I feel that they’ll be more comfortable with it.

You can watch this video to see more features of Uruk GNU/Linux:

Our Say

Uruk GNU/Linux is every bit of an operating system its developers claim it to be. Customizable, smart and quick. Could Package Mangement be made simpler? It has surely impressed me in the first release itself. No wonder if it steals the market in the Arabic-speaking nations in a couple of years.

You can get Uruk GNU/Linux from the link below:

What do You think about the innovative new Package Managers Simulator? Think more distributions should adopt it? Share your views with us.

About the author
Abhishek Prakash

Abhishek Prakash

Created It's FOSS 11 years ago to share my Linux adventures. Have a Master's degree in Engineering and years of IT industry experience. Huge fan of Agatha Christie detective mysteries 🕵️‍♂️

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