Adding Lists in Markdown

Learn how to add ordered and unordered lists using Markdown syntax.

While writing a document in Markdown, you may feel the need to add a list.

Fundamentally, there are two types of lists:

  • Unordered list (a list that uses bullet points)
  • Ordered list (where you use numbers to keep things in order)

Markdown supports both.

Keys List
*, + or - followed by a space Unordered list (bullet points)
1 or number followed by . Start an ordered list (numbered list)

Let me show you how to use bullet points and numbered lists using Markdown syntax.

How to add bullet points in Markdown

You can start writing in bullet points by starting the sentence with *, + or -.

For your reference, here, I have showcased how you can different symbolic characters (*, + and -) to add bullet points:

create bullet points in markdown

To add bullet points, you'd have to follow the given simple steps:

  • Start typing with * (or any other character)
  • When you want to break the sentence, add two space strokes at the end of the line and hit enter

To make things easy, here's a quick demo of how you should proceed to create bullet points:

create bullet points in markdown

How to create a numbered list in Markdown

Crating numbered list (known as an ordered list) is quite easy compared to the bullet points (unordered list).

To create a numbered list, all you have to do is to start with the desired starting number and appending . next to it:

[number]. write_here
create numbred list in markdown

Remember, it is not necessary to go in the sequence.

You can start from wherever you want or change the order in between the list:

how to create numbred list in markdown

But do you know that you can create nested lists? Nested lists are nothing but lists inside the list.

Want to learn how to? Here's how you do it:

How to Create Nested Lists in Markdown
Learn to create nested lists in Markdown syntax in this quick tip.

Did you know that you can convert Markdown files to HTML?

Want to convert one or more markdown files to HTML? Well, it's quite easy, and here's a detailed guide for that:

Converting Multiple Markdown Files into HTML or Other Formats in Linux
Many times, when I use Markdown, I work on one file and when I’m done with it, I convert it to HTML or some other format. Occasionally, I have to create a few files. When I do work with more than one Markdown file, I usually wait until I

I hope this quick guide will make you a bit better with our markdown journey!

And if you have any queries, let me know in the comments.

About the author
Sagar Sharma

Sagar Sharma

A software engineer who loves to write about his experience with Linux. While reviving my crashed system, you can find me reading literature, manga, or watering my plants.

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