Google Chrome App Launcher has been discontinued. Elements like Google Keep etc are automatically added to the menu when you install Google Chrome in Ubuntu.
Google Chrome version 35 with Aura UI (thus replacing GTK 2) has landed in Linux. The new version also brings a notification center where you can see all the unread notifications. If you use Google Now on your Android or Google Search app on iOS, you should also be receiving Google Now cards notification in your Linux desktop.
There is one more feature which is not enabled by default and that is Chrome App Launcher. As the name suggests, Chrome App Launcher provides a quick access to all your Google Chrome apps. If the app is a desktop app like Google Keep, it will open the respective app, else it will open the app in a new Google Chrome tab. In this quick post, we shall see how to install Google Chrome App Launcher in Linux distributions such as Ubuntu, Linux Mint, Fedora, Elementary OS etc.
Install Chrome App Launcher in Linux
First make sure that you are using the latest version of Google Chrome. Once you are sure that you have the latest version, use the following steps:
- Open Google Chrome
- Type chrome://flags in the address bar
- In here, you can enable the experimental features. Search for Enable the app launcher and click on Enable to enable the Chrome App Launcher.
- Restart Google Chrome
Here is how Chrome App Store looks like in Ubuntu 14.04:
That’s it. I hope this quick post helped you to get Chrome App Launcher in Linux. Do share your views on the new Google Chrome.