Albanian Open Source Conference OSCAL'18 is Now Open For Registration

Brief: Albania’s premier open source event OSCAL will be held on19-20 May 2018 in Tirana. Registration for the event is now open.

Open Source Conference Albania (OSCAL) is the first annual international conference of its kind in Albania. Its goal is to promote software freedom, open source software, free culture and open knowledge not only in Albania but also in the neighboring region.

OSCAL'17 group photo

The fifth iteration of OSCAL will take place between 19-20 May 2018 in Tirana. Registration for the event is now open.

This year’s theme for the conference is ‘Open By Default’. Open By Default is basically an idea to protest the normalization of closed platforms. When open source do better than their proprietary equivalent, so why is open source still considered a perk? The practice of proprietary software should be criticized, not normalized.

Main speakers at OSCAL’18

OSCAL has been a successful event in the past as well. OSCAL 2017 saw 70 presentations and speakers from 20 different countries of the world. Matthias Kirschner, president of the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), Italo Vignoli, board member of LibreOffice have been some of the noted speakers of the event. More than 300 attendants inspired to advance the free/libre open source movement even further.

Featured speakers at OSCAL'18
Featured speakers at OSCAL’18

This year, OSCAL will have Florian Effenberger, executive director of The Document Foundation, Marina Latini, chairperson of The Document Foundation, Arjen Kamphuis, CTO of Gendo, Camila Ayres of NextCloud as few of its distinguished speakers.


Mozilla is the gold sponsor of OSCA’18 followed by openSUSE as the silver sponsor. Collabora and NextCloud are the bronze sponsors. It’s FOSS is one of the official media partners of this event.

Registration process (it’s free)

The best thing about OSCAL is that the entry is free for attendees. All you have to do is to reserve your free ticket by registering yourself on the link below:

Register for OSCAL’18

You also have the option to buy tickets in several categories to support the event and get some free merchandises and free food. You can find more information on the OSCAL event page.

About the author
Abhishek Prakash

Abhishek Prakash

Created It's FOSS 11 years ago to share my Linux adventures. Have a Master's degree in Engineering and years of IT industry experience. Huge fan of Agatha Christie detective mysteries 🕵️‍♂️

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