Set up home-manager on NixOS

Here's how you can easily set up the home-manager to install/remove packages on NixOS.

Before publishing this, I explained how to install and remove packages in NixOS for a single-user system.

But if you are running multiple users, there is an excellent way to cater needs of every user separately.

And in this guide, I will walk you through how you can set up a home manager on NixOS and how it can be used to install packages.

If you are new here, some resources discussed in this series include:

Setup home-manager on NixOS

In this guide, I will walk you through 2 ways to set up a home manager:

  • Standalone home manager (uses separate config file)
  • As a nix module (using it inside configuration.nix file)

So let's start with the standalone option.

Standalone installation of home-manager

If you are using a stable channel of NixOS, you can use the following command to configure the home manager:

nix-channel --add home-manager

While writing this guide, the stable release is 22.11.

And if you are on an unstable channel, use the following:

nix-channel --add home-manager

The following steps will remain the same whether you use stable or unstable.

Once done, update the channels:

nix-channel --update

And finally, use the following command to install the home manager:

nix-shell '<home-manager>' -A install

πŸ› οΈ While installing, it may throw the following error:

building error while installing home manager

Reboot your system and use the installation command again, and it will start the installation.

Once done, it will show the location of the standalone installation of the home manager:

location of home manager in NixOS

Installing home-manager as a NixOS module

You will need sudo privileges if you choose to use the home manager as a NixOS module.

If you are on a stable channel (while writing, it is 22.11), you can use the following command to add the stable channel of the home manager:

sudo nix-channel --add home-manager

And if you are using unstable or the master channel, use the following:

sudo nix-channel --add home-manager

Once you are done adding a channel by using any of one command shown above, update the channel using the following:

sudo nix-channel --update

Next, open the configuration.nix file using:

sudo nano /etc/nixos/configuration.nix

And add the following line inside the imports []:

install home-manager as NixOS module

Now, jump to the end of the line and add the following before }:

home-manager.users.{username} = { pkgs, ... }: {
  home.packages = [  ];
syantax for home-manager module in NixOS config file

The above line was added to facilitate installing and removing packages I will show you next.

Now, save changes and exit from the nano text editor.

Next, rebuild the config and make a switch:

sudo nixos-rebuild switch

But if you are using stable release and use the above command, it will throw the error saying :

πŸ› οΈ error: The option `home-manager.users.user.home.stateVersion' is used but not defined:

error: The option `home-manager.users.user.home.stateVersion' is used but not defined.

To solve this issue, you will have to add the home.stateVersion in your home manager block.

While writing, I'm running 22.11, so the whole home manager block would look like this:

home-manager.users.{username} = { pkgs, ... }: {
home.stateVersion = "22.11";  
home.packages = [ ];
how to solve The option `home-manager.users.user.home.stateVersion' is used but not defined.

Save changes and exit from the nano text editor by pressing Ctrl + O, hitting enter and Ctrl + X.

Now, try to rebuild the config and make the switch again, and that should solve the issue.

How to install packages using home-manager on NixOS

Now that you have home-manager installed, how to install packages with it:

Using a standalone install of Home-manager

First, open the configuration file by using the following:

nano /home/$USER/.config/nixpkgs/home.nix

Jump to the end of the line and add the following code block before }:

home.packages = [];

Now, all you have to do is write the package's name between those two braces.

For example, if I want to install htop, I will have to enter the following:

home.packages = [pkgs.htop];

Yes, you will have to usually append the name of the package with pkgs.

But if you want to get away with using pkgs. using every time you install a new package, change the syntax of the code block as shown:

home.packages = with pkgs; [];

And now, you are no longer required to use pkgs. for every installation:

home.packages = with pkgs; [htop];

For example, here, I wanted to install htop, firefox, and LibreOffice so my home block would look like this:

install multiple packages using home-manager on NixOS
Installing multiple packages using home-manager (Click to enlarge image)

Once you are done adding your favorite packages, save the config file and use the following command to install packages:

home-manager switch

Using the NixOS module

First, open the configuration.nix file using the following command:

sudo nano /etc/nixos/configuration.nix

In the configuration part, I've already added the home manager block, so all it is left is to add the name of the package inside home.packages = [ ]; in the shown format:

home.packages = [ pkgs.package_name ];
I've mentioned how you can get away with using pkgs. before the package name in the above section (installing packages on the standalone home manager).

For example, if I want to install htop, Firefox, and LibreOffice, then I will add:

pkgs.htop pkgs.firefox pkgs.libreoffice

And my home manager block would look like this:

install multiple packages in home-manager as a NixOS module

Now, save changes and exit from the text editor.

Next, rebuild the config and make a switch using the following command:

sudo nixos-rebuild switch

That's it! The packages will be installed in no time.

'Tis the end

I think you should go with the standalone installation, as you are not required to use the superuser privileges. Also, having separate config files for separate users is quite convenient if you run a system with multiple users.

So unless you want one file for every purpose, I see no other reason to use the module option.

With this, I conclude the NixOS beginner series. I hope it gets you a good enough platform to get familiar with this unique Linux distribution.

πŸ’¬ How did you like the NixOS series? Is there something else we should cover for NixOS beginners? Please provide your valuable feedback.

About the author
Sagar Sharma

Sagar Sharma

A software engineer who loves to write about his experience with Linux. While reviving my crashed system, you can find me reading literature, manga, or watering my plants.

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