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retro computer

Blast from the Past: DG/UX UNIX Operating System

Relive the nostalgia with me as I recall my experience with the DG/UX UNIX OS and Data General's AViiON workstations and servers.
Change default shell in Linux

Bored With Bash? Change the Default Shell in Linux

Tried another shell and liked it so much that you want to use it all the time by making it the default shell? Here's how you can change the default shell in Linux.
Install Docker on Ubuntu
Installation πŸ“₯

How to Install Docker on Ubuntu

Learn the two official ways of installing Docker on Ubuntu. One is easy but may give you a slightly older version. The other is slightly more complicated but gives you the recent stable version.
Change Keyboard Layout in Ubuntu

Change Keyboard Layout in Ubuntu

It's quite easy to have multiple keyboard layouts in Ubuntu and switch between them. Here's how to do that.
Super Key in Linux
Jargon Buster

What is Super Key in Linux?

Get familiar with the super (or is it meta) key in Linux in this chapter of the Jargon Buster series.

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