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ps command
Linux Commands

ps Command Examples

Want to get the details on the running processes of your Linux system? The ps command can help.
kill command
Linux Commands

Kill Command Examples

You're going to find it, and kill it, thanks to the kill command on Linux.
pulseaudio vs pipewire

PipeWire vs PulseAudio: What's the Difference?

Classic PulseAudio or the new PipeWire? What's the difference? What's the buzz about Pipewire? Learn in this explainer.
grep command examples
Linux Commands

Grep Command Examples

Grep is a useful command to help you quickly search and find through file contents.
cut command illustration with a file being cut with scissors
Linux Commands

Cut Command Examples

The Cut command lets you extract a part of the file to print without affecting the original file. Learn more here.
zorin os 17 upgrade

How to upgrade to Zorin OS 17

Zorin OS now provides a way to upgrade to a newer major version. Here's how to do that.
less command
Linux Commands

Less Command Examples

Easily look through the contents of a big file with the help of less command.

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