Quizzes and Puzzles for Linux Users

Here are some fun, trivia quizzes and interesting puzzles to spend your free time.
linux directories

Linux Directory Structure: Puzzle

The Linux directory structure is fascinating and an important thing to know about. Take a guess to solve this puzzle!
find command

Match the Find Command Options

Learn about the find command options through this puzzle!

Guess The Acronym!

Understand the hint, and guess the acronym.
wrong path

Find The Wrong Path

Spot what's wrong, and solve the quizzes!
decipher scrambled words

Decipher The Scrambled Words

Can you guess the scrambled words? Give it a try!
tuxmas puzzle

Arrange The Tuxmas Image: Puzzle

Re-arrange the blocks to complete the image and solve the puzzle!
christmas riddle

Christmas Riddle

It's time to put your Linux knowledge to solve a fun riddle!
ubuntu shortcuts

Essential Ubuntu Shortcuts: Puzzle

Do you know all the handy Ubuntu shortcuts? Solve this puzzle to find out!
GitHub Alternatives: Puzzle

GitHub Alternatives: Puzzle

Solve this puzzle by figuring out the alternatives to GitHub!
file managers

Popular File Managers: Crossword

Solve the crossword by identifying the popular file managers.
linux automation

Linux Automation: Quiz

Are you an automation expert? Or, you want to be? This quiz should be interesting for you.

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